listAvailConf()[, .(name, note)]
## name note
## 1: render Whether to show rendering video or not
## 2: log Whether to log important information on drive
## 3: console Whether to enable debug info output to console
## 4: agent.gamma The discount factor in reinforcement learning
## 5: agent.flag.reset.net Whether to reset the neural network
## 6: agent.lr.decay The decay factor of the learning rate at each step
## 7: agent.lr learning rate for the agent
## 8: agent.store.model whether to store the model of the agent or not
## 9: agent.update.target.freq How often should the target network be set
## 10: agent.start.learn after how many transitions should replay begin
## 11: agent.clip.td whether to clip TD error
## 12: policy.maxEpsilon The maximum epsilon exploration rate
## 13: policy.minEpsilon The minimum epsilon exploration rate
## 14: policy.decay.rate the decay rate
## 15: policy.decay.type the way to decay epsion, can be decay_geo, decay_exp, decay_linear
## 16: policy.aneal.steps only valid when policy.decay.type = 'decay_linear'
## 17: policy.softmax.magnify <NA>
## 18: replay.batchsize how many samples to take from replay memory each time
## 19: replay.memname The type of replay memory
## 20: replay.mem.size The size of the replay memory
## 21: replay.epochs How many gradient decent epochs to carry out for one replay
## 22: replay.freq how many steps to wait until one replay
## name note
conf = getDefaultConf("AgentDQN")
## value
## render FALSE
## log FALSE
## console TRUE
## agent.gamma 0.99
## agent.flag.reset.net TRUE
## agent.lr.decay 0.999000499833375
## agent.lr 0.001
## agent.store.model FALSE
## agent.update.target.freq 2000
## agent.start.learn 64
## agent.clip.td FALSE
## policy.maxEpsilon 1
## policy.minEpsilon 0.01
## policy.decay.rate 0.999000499833375
## policy.decay.type decay_geo
## policy.aneal.steps 1e+06
## policy.softmax.magnify 1
## replay.batchsize 64
## replay.memname Uniform
## replay.mem.size 20000
## replay.epochs 1
## replay.freq 1
## policy.name EpsilonGreedy
conf$set(render = FALSE, console = FALSE)